The Rivonia Trial is a one-man play exploring the trial of Nelson Mandela.

Written and performed by Monde Wani, The Rivonia Trial begins in 1994 when Nelson Mandela becomes the President of South Africa. The story of his trial, and that of his co-trialists, which led to his imprisonment, is told as an extended flashback with Monde Wani playing all of the characters from Mandela to Verwoerd and an old man who has lost his house during the forced removals to a woman on a march in Pretoria.

The Rivonia Trial plays at the Soho theatre as part of Acts Of Resistance, three days of agitation, propaganda, dissent, politics, argument, debate revolt and revolution. 

Acts Of Resistance also includes an all-day political theatre workshop on 26 September, a panel discussion on 27 September, and performances of The Luckless Angel, a piece about the Beslan massacre.