A soldier stops to rest in an unknown country, wins the love of the queen, and moves on; the queen, one all-powerful, is destroyed by grief. Full of charm, the dark passions of the Sorceress and the nobility of the forsaken queen, this famous story of joy and despair is unforgettable.

Performed in English.

Includes a performance of Carissimi’s Jephtha (performed in Latin with English surtitles). Based on the same Old Testament story that Handel used for his famous oratorio a century later, Jephtha is a passionate and intricate lament that, at just 20 minutes long, forms an ideal partner for Dido and Aeneas. A man’s vow that if he returns from war victorious he will give the first creature he meets to God comes to haunt him when his daughter rushes to welcome him home.

Learn more about London operas within the West End.