Genre Drama
First Performance 28/03/2018
Closing 28/04/2018
Running Time 2h10, inc. interval

See Olivier Award winner David Haig’s wartime thriller, Pressure: a retelling of the remarkable real-life events leading up to the D Day Landings.

As 350,000 troops prepare to be sent across the Channel as part of Operation Overlord, Scottish meteorologist, Captain James Stagg, must advise General Eisenhower on the weather conditions for D Day – just 72 hours away.

However, Stagg’s predictions are contradicted by Irving P Krick – a Hollywood meteorological movie consultant. Krick is predicting clear, beautiful weather where Stagg is predicting severe storms. But with hundreds of thousands of lives and the future of Britain, Europe and the United States depending on this single weather forecast, who’s prediction will win out?

Pressure was originally commissioned by The Lyceum in Edinburgh as a co-production with Chichester Festival Theatre. It premiered in Edinburgh in 2014 before playing an acclaimed run in Chichester. It’s now playing at the Park Theatre until 28 April 2018 as part of its tour.

Pressure is written by David, who is reprising his role as Stagg. He is joined by Malcolm Sinclair (playing General Eisenhower) and Laura Rogers (playing Kay Summersby) who are also reprising their role. John Dove also returns to direct. Philip Cairns is joining the cast to play Conel Krick.

David is a five-time nominee and Olivier Award-winning actor. He’s best-known for his roles in the film Four Weddings And A Funeral and the TV series The Thing Blue Line. He also wrote My Boy Jack which he starred in. The play was later made into a TV drama for ITV in 2007 and he reprised his role and starred alongside Daniel Radcliffe.

A funny, yet tautly tense, thriller, and a smash hit across the country, the forecast for Pressure at the Park Theatre is looking bright. Book now.

Please note this page is for tickets to the Park Theatre run – for the show’s upcoming West End transfer, please see here.

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