"How was I to know that a play, a school play… would end in an almighty scandal which would abruptly take me off the boards forever? Until now that is."

Playing Juliet in 60s Uganda sent shockwaves through Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's family…

Nowhere To Belong captures with warmth and grit how theatre and Shakespeare changed her life.

Alibhai-Brown is well known for her regular radio and television broadcasts and columns in the Evening Standard and The Independent.

Developed with the Royal Shakespeare Company, her poignant and impassioned one-woman show explores the challenges of being Asian in Uganda and Ugandan in Britain.

All proceeds from this performance on Sunday 2 November 2008 will support the Refugee Council, the largest charity working with refugees across the UK. The charity works with men, women and children who have fled persecution in their homelands to rebuild their lives in safety.  For more information please see www.refugeecouncil.org.uk