My Romantic History is a brand new comedy about love, loss and laminating machines.

Office romances are tricky. One moment you are colleagues, then a quick grope after Friday night drinks and suddenly you are in a relationship. When Tom and Amy get together after an office social, they find themselves living in each other’s pockets. But it is not their lack of chemistry that is the problem: it is that neither of them can quite get over their childhood sweethearts.

My Romantic History author DC Jackson is a Glaswegian playwright whose plays include Out On The Wing, Matinee Idol, Drawing Bored, The Wall and The Ducky.

Lyndsey Turner, who directs My Romantic History, is an Associate Director at Sheffield Theatres and the Gate theatre whose directing credits include Posh, A Miracle, Contractions (all Royal Court) and Nocturnal (Gate theatre).

Before its run at the Bush theatre, My Romantic History played at the 2010 Edinbrugh Festival, where it collected a won a coveted Fringe First Award.

For more about My Romantic History at the Bush theatre read the First Night Feature.