Fusing theatre, dance and Flamenco music, Lola tells the true story of 19th century Spanish dancer Lola Montez.

Born Eliza Rosanna Gilbert in Ireland in 1821, as an adult she reinvented herself as Spanish dancer Lola Montez, performing around the world and seducing many an influential man along the way.

Lola is set as the dancer prepares for her final performance, revisiting her bittersweet past from humble Irish origins to becoming one of the most notorious women in the world. Lola’s unique tale is told through the wit and passion of her own published words with live music from renowned guitarist Ricardo Garcia – an accomplished Flamenco musician blending the classic Spanish rhythms with his spellbinding signature style.

Lola is staged by Trestle Theatre, which has been making innovative physical storytelling theatre since 1981.  Lola is one of its first major productions performed without masks and the second of a trilogy of internationally influenced storytelling theatre pieces.

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