Play Trailer

Genre Opera/Dance
First Performance 07/02/2024
Closing 07/02/2024
Running Time 2h10, inc. interval

A breath-taking evening of ballet that marries the grace of classical ballet with the boundless spirit of inclusivity.

Combining well-known classical repertoire and original contemporary styles of inclusive movement, this gala brings together disabled and non-disabled dancers to tell a moving and inspiring story of unity, resilience and the transformative power of art.

Featuring a cast of extraordinary dancers. International superstars Daniil Simkin & Maria Kochetkova will be headlining the show. Stopgap Dance Company will also be performing some of their work that has been touring and celebrating inclusive dance for over a decade. The further involvement with other organisations includes icandance, Parable Dance’s and National Youth Ballet’s All In! company, which is another area of inclusive dance that is proud to be showcasing. Through their mesmerising performances, the show challenges the limitless potential of the human spirit.

Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Principal Yaoqian Shang, English National Ballet’s Alice Bellini, Dance Artist Hannah Rudd, The Royal Ballet School and other highly established dancers will join forces with remarkable disabled dancers, including Professional Disabled Dancer Joe Powell-Main. Empower In Motion is not just a dance performance; it is a call to action. Throughout the show, audiences will be introduced to the numerous organisations that work tirelessly to support inclusive dance across Britain. Representatives from these organisations will share their stories and initiatives, shedding light on the transformative impact of their work.

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